10 Dec

    Noche Buena is possibly the most significant of the celebrations in Honduras. About 97% of the population there is Catholic. For Hondurans, Noche Buena is a time of religious significance and a time to celebrate with family and friends. Noche Buena is celebrated on December 24th, though the parties and preparation start around December 16th. A common tradition among them is to knock and friends and relative doors asking for a place to stay, depicting Mary and Joseph's journey searching for an inn. In the beginning, the people will say no but will then let them in for some partying, and it's not rare for them to stay the night. Some even stay for nine days to represent the nine months of Mary's pregnancy. Children traditionally receive presents, and it is common to receive new clothes to be worn on December 24th. However, one new outfit is often all the family can afford. Dolls, toy cars, and other toys similar to those in the U.S. may also be received. Fireworks and Feasts usually take place around midnight. The menu during the time may include roasted pork, fried yucca, rice, turkey, sweets, eggnog, and tamales.

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