04 Mar

Shopping in Honduras can be stressful, which is why i have created a helpful list consisting of a mall, a market, and a general store all for your convenience. (not because I'm doing this for a Spanish class assignment(*sarcasm*)). 

A conventional and luxurious mall in Honduras known as " Centro Commercial City Mall,"(imaged above) located in the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. The mall has a 4.1/5 star rating with 6,561 raters. Here you can find almost whatever you need, overpriced clothing, technology, and like the cloths, overpriced food. Its a mall, what do you expect. 

Guamilito Market (imaged above) is one of the best markets in Honduras and is located in San Pedro Sula. You can expect to see products such as food, clothing, animals, more clothing, and, well, its a  typical market in a nice neighborhood.

Another popular, and I can't stress this enough, typical store in Honduras, with items ranging from everything to everything, and located in Honduras, Tegucigalpa, with a rating of 4.4/5 stars with 2,377 reviewers... Walmart. Yes, it's sad that you literally cannot get away from Walmart anywhere, but hey, if you need a place where you can find low-quality products at low prices, Walmart is your friend.

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